(Toronto, ON – July 10, 2020) – Back with another punchy and hard-hitting track, Like A Motorcycle shares, anthem of depravity, “Satan Does The Numbers.” Watch the lyric video here.
About the song, the band says “‘Satan’ is a tune about all the nefarious fuckery that goes on in the seedy-after-hour underbelly of the music scene. It is about the (relatable) impulse to shift responsibility onto literally anything outside of yourself to keep the party going. Acting likeno one’s in control when you know damn well you’re in the driver’s seat about to floor yourself, and maybe all your pals, off that friggen cliff.”
Much like everyone, 2020 has been a different sort of year for musicians, and although this Halifax foursome have had to slow down on the touring front, they are in no way slowing down. “Satan Does The Numbers” follows fast on the heels of previous 2020 tracks “Wide Awake” and “Idols.” This track of unrelenting churning of guitars seeks to explain our nihilistic side, exploring what it means to ignore all signs of danger and knowingly charge headfirst into a situation fraught with pitfalls. “The night is young and we’re still able to put our money on the table. Satan’s been doing the numbers.”
To fill the hours, the band also made their foray into game shows (yes game shows!) with the YouTube show “The Rock n Roll Roundup” where they challenge other bands to compete in a head-to-head trivia contest. Episode One is out now, Episode Two coming soon! Stay tuned for MUCH more from them this year!
Like A Motorcycle is a melee attack with a soundtrack. They deliver poignant earworms for their fellow disenfranchised rejects; working minimum wage jobs while dodging five-figure debt. Since their 2016 debut High Hopes they’ve been tested by just about every obstacle imaginable: navigating substance abuse, internal break-ups, health issues, and a former record label that nearly tanked them – all while having nothing to their name except the band that’s kept them together. Like a Motorcycle is Michelle Skelding (drums, lead vocals), Kim Carson (bass, vocals), KT Lamond (guitar, vocals) and David Casey (guitar, vocals).